Monday, October 13, 2008

The Club Carnival

The fair was pretty cool. I went there not intending to join any club but I was a little persuaded to join the newspaper club. I enjoy writing and I think it would give me a chance to show my skills. The best part of the fair was the free fruit drink samples they were giving away. They were great especially the purple one lol. I saw many clubs and it was a little crowded but I got to see most of the clubs. I also got to meet some new faces and talk to some people so that was great. All in all it was a cool experience and I enjoyed it. I left a little early though but I should have stayed longer so I could see more clubs.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Hi Shakiti.
I want to say you that I also like to writing but I need to improve my writing to show my skills of writing.