Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Trip to Manhattan

The trip to the city was great. I arrived at Toys R' Us at 10:00 so I waited for my group (Derek,Depore,David,Nermin). I had no idea how big this store was but it was gigantic. We then went downstairs into the video games section and played some video games there on the PS3. Afterwards we made our way upstairs passing a huge ferris wheel and went into the lego star wars section and saw a giant T-rex statue and Captain Jack Sparrow. It was interesting to see all the children interacting with toys and many children crying over toys they wanted lol. We saw a little girl playing with a wind up toy car on a rail road track model. She looked like she was really into it and she kept trying to make her car stay on the tracks. Afterwards we made a little pit stop to the Virgin Megastore and looked at some different games and cds there. We couldn't resist lol. We then walked to Game Stop and looked at all the different games there and I noticed heavy advertising for the new Xbox360 game "Fable II". David and Depore then played some "Rock Band" lol it was pretty cool. I thought to myself "games are really fascinating" and "how can games have such a big impact on people?". It was a little interesting to think about. We then made our way to The Complete Strategist and I was blown away at how many board games they had. They had a bunch of different types from horror to comics to midevil. I even saw a large chess board for sale but I couldn't afford any games lol. We left the store at 1:30 and decided to call it a day since it was getting late. It was a fun day and analyzing the different types of games was interesting. I hope it can help me in my research paper.

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