Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Cluster

So far in this cluster I have learned new things. I learned more about MLA formatting, communication in media and different types of filming techniques and correct vocabulary used in film. The most interesting was learning about filming techniques and learning about Johnny Cash for my Mass Media midterm project. I learned more about him and the person he was. I also got to learn the connection of The Matrix and Allegory of the cave which was interesting. The most challenging was learning all the film techniques and correct vocab words to use. I think it is hard for me to remember all the different types of shots, angles and everything else. I'm not really interested in film that much so it doesn't appeal to me. In the next few weeks I can expect other challenges like trying to do other essays and attempting to pass my film tests.


Shekira said...

your write Dr. J class really did help with the MLA format. That was good you used that.

Dereck.Garcia said...

MLA format is nice to know for the future isn't it. I didn't even think about the film stuff lol. Now that you mention The Matrix Dr. Smith's class help me understand it better and the whole story. Film test shouldn't be to hard and I'm not to interested myself in film the movies are boring. It is cool to know the terms and stuff I look at movies in a different way now.