Monday, October 6, 2008

"Good Video Games and Good Learning"

I just read the article "Good video games and good learning" by James Gee and I think it is very interesting. I agree with him about the challenges video games seem to have and when he says “What you learn when you learn to play a video game is just how to play the game”. I agree with this and I think it applies for every and all video games. Being a video gamer myself I can see where he is coming from and you definitely have to take risks and have interaction. I become the character I play such as Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns of the Patriots or Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4. You have to have commitment and dedication as you would have in school. I also agree with the principle of agency and challenge and consolidation. They are both principles I feel and use when I play games. I also like the challenge and frustration the games give me because I am determined to try harder and use my problem solving skills as discussed in the principle 11. The principle of production reminds me of a game I have played called "Indigo Prophecy" in which you must make a choice and decisions and each decision leads to a different outcome. Risk taking reminds me of "The Matrix" because Neo took a risk when he took the red pill and he also applied the principle of production as he made a choice to take the red pill and his outcome was living in the matrix.

1 comment:

Dereck.Garcia said...

I like the frustration a game can give you but its annoying at times lol. Sometimes the frustration gets to much though and you stop playing and resume a couple of hours later or the next day. I think it applies to all games too. I think if you don't become the character you can't play the game right.